May 12, 2024
Sometimes when updating any packages on CloudLinux operating system. It’s showing error cannot download metadata, some problem caused by network issue because of the server downloading from repo that is too far that makes the latency too high.
That’s why mirror link repo can be solution for this. Because when we applied mirror link for os repo, when we run update command it will download from the mirror link.
You can get CloudLinux mirror links from here.
Edit file /etc/cpsources.conf
and follow this code:
Edit file /etc/clnmirrors
and paste your mirror link:
Repo files are now updated. Let’s clean up our local yum cache, and make sure everything is working.
yum clean all && yum repolist
That’s it you are done!
As long as yum repolist runs and you get no errors, that means everything is working as expected!